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5 Ways to Find a Sub To Property

Writer's picture: Pace MorbyPace Morby

If you’ve followed me on Instagram or Facebook or you’re part of my creative finance Facebook group, then you know that I love talking about subject to.

Why do I love talking about subject to?

Because with subject to, you can accumulate massive amounts of wealth and a ton of cash flow.

And a question I get asked frequently is how do I find subject to deals.

I talked about this on the first episode of the Hot Top, which you can watch below:

How to Find Subject To Deals

1. Text Messages

Yes, you read that right. Texting is the first step in finding subject to deals, the same way we find our wholesaling deals.

We use, where we do text blasts and then use for our seller outreach and cold calls. We also do a little bit of direct mail and ringless voicemail.

2. Leverage Wholesalers

So you might be reading this blog or watching the video above and saying, “Yo! That’s me, dude! I’m a wholesaler that goes out and gets 50 leads, but I only get one wholesale deal.

“I’m not making enough money!”

We actually go to those wholesalers and say, “Look, we’d be happy to educate you on how to convert these sellers who are asking too much money.”

One of my best performing deals is in Vegas and it came from a wholesaler. The wholesaler told me that the house had no equity, he couldn’t do anything with it, and it was a dead lead.

Guys, my specialty is reviving dead leads.

The deal I have in Vegas makes me $1700 a month and we paid the wholesaler a $5,000 assignment fee that we did sub to.

The wholesaler doubled their conversation by using one of them as a creative finance deal.

I just turned his ‘trash’ into cash.

3. Door-knocking for Sub 2

Very similar to the first, where we use virtual assistants to help us contact sellers.

Door-knocking can’t be done by virtual assistants.

You need to physically go to the door.

We added 45 subject to and seller finance deals by just door-knocking.

Person door-knocking at a home

Door-knocking is huge!

I suggest you download, which is a driving for dollars app and can help with your door-knocking efforts.

It's an unbelievably inexpensive way to go out and get your first deal.

4. Leverage Real Estate Agents

How did I buy my house?

I bought it from an agent who hadn’t sold the property in five and a half months. The seller, Dave, was pissed.

The agent knew me through Instagram and me doing constant outreach, so they knew I was somebody to send this deal to.

Long story short - I ended up buying this house sub to.

If I decided to turn my house into a traditional rental, I would get a thousand dollars a month net cash flow on this property.

If I decided to turn my house into an AirBnB, with a little more management, and some upfront costs, I could cash flow two to twenty-five thousand dollars a month.

Guys, my house was brought to me from an agent.

My mentorship teaches students how to leverage agents and wholesalers and how to bring value to them, so they bring you deals without marketing costs.

And my wife Laura, as an experienced real estate agent herself, mentors and teaches agents on how to work with investors.

5. Leverage Probate Attorneys

This is actually my favorite way for finding subject 2 real estate - probate attorney relationships.

Probate attorney relationships are absolutely money; I haven’t had a year in real estate where we haven’t made at least $300,000 to $400,000 from our relationships with probate attorneys.

These relationships are very easy to set up.

And that’s it! Those are the top 5 ways you can find a sub to property.

If you got value from this or if you have any questions, come join our Subto community.


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